Which content management system should I use? I have some experience with SharePoint, but it’s not an ideal fit for public facing websites (to put it mildly). Sitecore is a great platform. Easy around tracking and personalising content but definitely over kill here. A simple opensource blog solution would do. I have quite some experience with Jooma which is fun, but can be a headache to harden and keep the unwanted out. To spin it up bit and connect with new things I’ll give WordPress a try.
At De Goudse I get to talk to quite a lot of suppliers, consultants and vendors. I worked with different scrum teams and the other day one of our suppliers used the phrase “minimum loveable product” instead of MVP (minimum viable product). I liked it, so I tried it out in other meetings 🙂 A great look and feel will not be part of the MLP of this blog. Let’s see if we can go live with this WordPress blog and standard template and start to produce “business” value.